Butterflies & Moths Sightings 2022/2024

First Photograph of Each Species in Each Year

Butterflies & Moths Full List 19:7:24.pdf Butterflies & Moths Full List 19:7:24.pdf
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32 species photographed so far this year
a further 3 spotted (but not photographed) by Daniel Bound on his transect:
Red Admiral, Orange Tip and Green-veined White.
September/December 2023
60 species seen in total this year
August 2023
55 species seen so far this year
March-July 2023
44 species seen so far this year
- this includes a Small Skipper and an Essex Skipper seen but not photographed on the Butterfly Walk on 8th July.
September - October 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
March - May 2022