Scenes from Workdays

Clearing access to benches (above) and repairing benches (below)

Please join us on our work sessions
They are planned for the first and last Sunday of every month from October to March and the first Sunday only for the remaining months. We meet promptly at 10am in the car park off Old Farleigh Road.
You can choose tasks which suit your strengths and abilities and work for as long as suits you. Children (under parental supervision) are welcome. We supply the tools but bring your own lunch and drinks.
The next Work Session will be on Sunday February 23rd.
We do need more help and would welcome your assistance.
January 5th & 26th, February 2nd & 23rd, March 2nd & 30th, April 6th, May 11th, June 1st, July 6th, August 10th, September 7th, October 5th & 26th, Nov 2nd & 30th, December 7th
Health & Safety advice card for new volunteers
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H&S card copy for workers updated 29.02.24.pdf Size : 106.176 Kb Type : pdf |
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Advice for Group Leaders of Potential Volunteers.pdf Size : 87.265 Kb Type : pdf |
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Work Session Activity Reports by our Works leader, Ted Forsyth
(unless otherwise stated)
(in reverse date order - latest report at the top)
Many of the "Work Sessions" activities in the post Covid years have been carried out by individuals or small groups working in their own time. These are included in the reports below.
Much work is also being done on the Butterfly Bank to plant a wider variety of butterfly friendly flowers and to look after them. This activity is detailed on the Butterfly Bank page.
Work task report Tuesday 4th February 2025
report & photos by Emma Bridson - Outdoor Activity Outreach Manager
Grow Wild Outreach team attended on Tuesday 4th February and cleared lots of litter from the woodland beside the Greenhill Way Path (see picture of bag).

Work session report Sunday 2 February 2025
report by Ted - photos by Linda & Ted
Karen, Neale, Ted, Linda, Adam, Shayan, Jim, David, James, Colin, Harry & son, Valerie
While Karen & Neale, and Ted, entered the wood from Courtwood Lane, the main group walked from the car park to meet in Avis Grove for another attack on Laurel. A multi-stemmed cluster of trunks, looking more like a grove than a single bush or tree, was tackled by removing trunks one by one, leaving the thickest trunk until last. Most branches touching the ground were cut and hung up to prevent re-rooting and many young saplings were pulled up.
report by Neale
On our route back we pulled more saplings and treated what we cut earlier on. There are a few still to remove on the corner of Courtwood Lane and the bridle path but we will do those next time.
Work session report Sunday 26 Jan 2025
Report by Ted - photos by Ted & John
Karen, Neale, Jim, David, Colin, John, Ted, Adam, Tatsav, Shayan, Valerie
With equipment in one trolley we followed Vale Border to Field 3 then crossed diagonally to enter the short leg of Great Field. Small and large Laurels were removed in Stevens Larch, Langford’s Way and Avis Grove. In Avis Grove a very large multi-stemmed Laurel was cut down. Where possible cuttings were hung up to prevent re-rooting.report from Valerie
I spent just over an hour working on the bank. It was very cold. I removed lots of tiny bits of grass. The grass appears to be determined to take over the newly planted area but I am determined to stop it! When spring finally arrives we can see what has survived the winter and what needs replacing.
Work task report 7th January 2025
report & photos by Linda Morris
Grow Wild ( Rahul, Joshua with Oliver) braved the cold today and helped me cut down three laurel bushes in Avis Grove.
I cut and they piled up all the branches etc on nearby logs to prevent them rerooting.It was very muddy on the path (need some more stones there) but ok where we were working. The sawn off stumps will need painting with Roundup to prevent regrowth idc.
Work task report 30th Dec 2024
report by Neale Fox
Toilet block water turned off and all pipework drained down today. Forecast is for colder weather coming. Additional padlocks applied along with labels. Keys are on the shelf in the office.
We also cleared the fall at the top of field 3 on our way home (see before and after photos below). I have the Silky Sugoi saw we used at home at the moment.

Work task report 28th Dec 2024
photos by Jane Daniel
On Saturday 28th December two youngsters working for their Duke of Edinburgh Awards came to clear litter in the coppiced area at the end of Langford's Way and also in the area of Court Wood further down Courtwood Lane adjoining the wood.
The litter in the coppiced area by Langford's Way had been there since early in the summer when it was dumped by persons unknown. The litter in Court Wood had built up over a long period and included a pink suitcase which had been there for over a year.
They did a superb job!!! Many thanks to Shayan and Adam, and also to Adam's mum, Jane, who organised things. They left the full bags by the street bins and with perfect timing the Council turned up early next morning to empty the bins, so now all the bags - and the pink suitcase - have been taken away and our wood looks pristine again!!

Work task report Sunday 15th Dec 2024
Report & photos by Ted
I cleared the small fall across the Courtwood Lane entrance path and dumped the debris near the base of the fallen tree.
Photos & report by David
Work session report 1st Dec 2024
Report by Ted - Photos by Heather, Neale, David and Linda
The heavy mob: Neale, Jim, Colin, David, James
The woodland elves: Linda, Ted, Adam Daniel, Shayan Patel, Tatsav Subbu, & Valerie
Valerie brought containers with plants and materials – these were transported to Linden Glade. She planted 3 Self Heal in a spot selected by Linda. The heavy mob took the mushroom seat and a suitable selection of tools to the junction of Langford’s Way and Leafy Grove and planted the mushroom. The elves, less Tatsav, made their way to Middle Gorse to clear and widen the overgrown path into the centre of The Gorses. Linda gave phone instructions to get Tatsav to the site then Ted walked back to meet Tatsav and his mum. As she was unsure of her way around the woods Tatsav’s mum decided to remain with us and picked up some loppers. We managed to get into the centre of The Gorses and carried on with clearing but the rain was intensifying so we stopped early. As we were gathering our tools the mushroom group arrived and were able to help to transfer the tools back to the car park. As I walked home in the rain I took the opportunity to inspect the planted mushroom!
All the 'hay' was dragged in bags to beyond the hedge seat and tipped out in the trees behind there. It will be interesting to see how much it becomes a dormitory for woodland creatures etc in the coming months!
We also saw signs of life (bubbles and slight ripples) coming from the bottom which already seems to have a good layer of silt for winter shelter
There were also some strands of plants beginning to grow down into the water across the black edging - so hopefully that is the start of the 'greening ' of that we were hoping for.
Work session report 3 Nov 2024
Report by Ted
Linda, Karen, Neale, Ted, David, James, Colin, Jim, Adam
Karen and Neale collected Ted’s ladder and carried it up The Wend. David, Colin and James laid the last of the gravel before joining Jim, Adam and the ladder crew. The old decayed Tawny Owl box was removed from its position between East Gorse and The Wend, and was replaced by a new one.
The precarious Tawny Owl box at the top of Smith Grove was brought down and was found to require only a minor repair before being re-sited farther down Smith Grove opposite a convenient seat. The ladder was then returned to Ted’s garage.
Report by Linda - Linden Glade Autumn Tidy Up
I hid the stopcock key in the hatch as agreed. That is now under a wood slice - so anyone who wants to adjust the flow will need to bring something with them to help raise the flap.
I then gave the ground cover and other plants in the glade a haircut, leaving just a few tall ones to catch the frost etc and to give interest for the photographers.
Thanks to John Zareba who raked off some leaves from the pool earlier in the week. A losing battle of course but a rake across the top every so often will help to stop the pool getting completely full of leaves again but will still leave the base covering in disturbed for whatever is hiding in there.
Now we just look forward to see what pops up next Spring.
Report by Valerie
I arrived a bit late this morning and missed the others. I worked on the BB until about 2.00. As a lot of the plants are still flowering (in November!) I contented myself with weeding and clearing the edges. Dogs are still getting in. A spaniel joined me in there this morning. I have tried to clear the weedy/grassy bit between the flat area and the fence and made some progress. I would like to put a few more plants in. Weeds keep growing in the empty spaces and this would discourage them. There are some pots at OLF containing plants that did not sell and are unlikely to survive the winter out of the ground. They are all plants that we already have on the BB but a few more would be good. I am happy to pay for them.
Work session report 27 October 2024
Report by Ted
Karen, Neale, Jim, David, Ted, Linda, Valerie.
While most of us were setting off with a trolley filled with the new bird boxes made by Jim, Linda was at work with Valerie trimming the vegetation on the Butterfly Bank.
At Jubilee Plantation Jim hopped over the fence and replaced a top on an old Tit box. In the Centenary Plantation a new Tit box was put up to replace an old one which had decayed. Moving up The Wend to the junction with Bluebell Grove, a Tit box and a Robin box were erected. Middle Gorse got two new Tit boxes, then in Noakes Way two experimental TreeCreeper boxes were put into position, followed a move into nearby Beech Grove to erect two Marsh Tit boxes which are even more of an experiment.
Report by Linda
Valerie had been weeding her patch since 9 when I arrived as forgot about the time change! I strimmed the bund and filled two sackfuls of the arisings which I tipped behind the seat and behind the tool store. I didn't have time to do the flat area but maybe on the next Grow Wild day Jim and I can use the brush cutter etc on it and give the bund a closer haircut and then the volunteers can take off the arisings again for us.
What a lovely day - the car park was overflowing by 10.15
Report by Valerie
I have done a lot of weeding on the BB and also relocated some plants that had been grown over by more vigorous species. I am very grateful to Linda, Neale and the others for ferrying my very heavy bags of weeds & soil waste to disposal sites. We now have two Sawworts flowering on the BB. I listed Sawwort in my initial planting list. However, when it started to grow it looked like Knapweed to me so I ignored it. However, both plants have been confirmed as Sawwort by Sean and 1 naturalist.
Work 16th October 2024 report by Jim
Have made some bird & bat boxes from accumulated wood.
Work Session report Sunday 6th October 2024 report by Jim
Jim, James, Valerie, Adam & Jane Walsh
We had some extra help today from teenager, AdamWalsh (undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh award) and his mother, Jane - together with James and Valerie
Work Session report Sunday 29 September 2024 Report by Jim
Jim, David, Ted, Colin, James
The tree falls in East Gorse and Bluebell Grove were cleared. James Creasy, a new recruit joined the workers today. He is keen to come again.
Cleaning the Toilets - Saturday 7th September 2024 Report by Neale
We gave the toilets a deep clean as far as we could. They are still quite wet but should dry out.
Work Session report Sunday 1 September 2024
Jim, David, Valerie, John
Though there was no scheduled work session on Sunday, some of the team turned out to do some work.
Jim and David cleared the fall in The Wend then went on to clear overgrown benches in Field 2.
On the Butterfly Bank, Valerie weeded and watered and John repaired the fence. The entrance now has new ties and the dog entry points have been closed up.
They both then went up to water the Marjoram in David's Crook and to leave some bottles of water for future waterings. They should last weeks of drought if required.

Work session report Sunday 4 August 2024 Report by Ted, Neale & Linda
Karen, Neale, Jim, Colin, Linda, Valerie, Ted
Water containers were delivered to the Butterfly Bank before we split into different groups. Linda, Valerie and Ted took one trolley to David's Crook and planted three Marjoram in the hole which had been prepared previously. Vegetation was reduced around the seat at the bottom of the slope and a further two Marjoram were planted nearby. We discovered a Walnut Tree seedling near the bench.
Further into the field and on the edge of a path we planted the last two Marjoram. Some containers of water were left for Valerie's use later. When we returned to the car park Ted filled two more water containers and took them to David's Crook while walking home.

Work with Grow Wild Tuesday 16th July

Unscheduled Work Session Monday 8th July 2024 Work by Neale and Jim
Neale & Jim remounted the swing in Linden Glade. The fixing rings had become badly worn as noticed on Sunday.
Work session report Sunday 7 July 2024 Report by Jim & Valerie
Neale, Colin, David, Valerie, Linda, Jim
The official session was called off because of a forecast of bad weather. However Some of us took a chance and did some work today.
Work session report Sunday 2 June 2024
Karen, Neale, Colin, David, Ted, Valerie, Kay, Cyril
While Valerie and Kay weeded, planted and watered on the Butterfly Bank the remainder of the group went to the tree fall near the Green Man on Farleigh Border. It was a complicated puzzle with trees down on both sides of the path and across the inner bypass path created to avoid mud and problems on the main path. David dealt with a smaller tree problem further along the path while decisions were made about what to cut, and in which order, to relieve the problems of fallen trees being tangled up in other trees. It was all eventually sorted out and both paths were cleared and made safe.
Cyril arrived for a stroll through the woods but remained with the tree group and, from his 22 years experience, was able to offer valuable advice on how to tackle the tangled trees
Work with Grow Wild Tuesday 22nd May
Linda met with Oliver Connolly and the GrowWild team. Their help is much appreciated in clearing the yew in Avis Grove between Langford Way and Beech Gove and some of the overhanging branches on the little Centenary path.

Work session report Sunday 12 May 2024
Karen, Neale, Linda, Jim, David, Ted, Katy & Robin Morrison, Valerie and her team
Neale and Karen (with Heather) began by clearing the Bank Holiday pill party rubbish left off Addington Border path.
Katy and Robin joined Valerie’s team on the Butterfly Bank to help with weeding and planting.
Linda, Jim and David took two trolleys to Linden Glade, meeting Ted on the way. Linda and Ted worked around the pool, laying more wooden stepping “stones” and putting in small plants. Later Linda waded into the pool and, with Karen’s help, positioned various containers of water plants.
When Neale reached the glade he, Jim, David and Karen went to Farleigh Border to investigate a tree fall near the Green Man but decided it was too big a job for today. Neale, Jim and David then cleared the fallen birch in Great Field.
Unscheduled work activity Sunday 5th May
Report by James Dunning
David and I cut back the fall by the bird feeding station. Photos below show before and after.

Unscheduled work activity Thursday 2nd May
Report & photo by David Debenham
I dropped one load of gravel by the entrance to David's crook coming off Greenhill way. Dug it out first, replaced with drier soil, then the gravel.

Unscheduled work activity report Thursday 18th April
David & Colin cleared the pavement and the dropped kerb today. This means that prams and mobility scooters can now use the ramp. The soil was a good 6 inches deep in places!!
This problem had been reported to the FSW on 16th April when a mobility scooter user came to the wood and found it impossible to get access via the footpath. First photo shows the problem and the other 3 the solution.
On 21st April The FB page had a thank you to us for the clearance. The guy who reported the issue, Ian Chase, had been back, found the entrance now much more accessible and had an enjoyable visit!

Work session report Sunday 7 April 2024
Karen, Neale, Jim, Colin, Linda, Ted, Valerie (plus her helpers)
With two laden trolleys we aimed for Linden Glade while Valerie and her helpers remained to put in more plants on the Butterfly Bank (see the BB page for more work there). Neale made a quick change to the tree swing while tools, plants and wooden stepping “stones” were removed from the trolleys. Linda and Ted then remained in the glade to continue loosening top soil, putting in a mixture of plants from their pots and placing the eight treated wooden “stones”. Linda then waded into the pool to remove the labels from the two water lilies which had been placed earlier, and then ended by sprinkling some flower seeds.
The others in the group took the now lighter trolley to the junction of Broad Walk and Addington Border to deal with a fallen birch tree (see before and after photos below) and also took the opportunity to remove some Laurel bushes. They then went and cut further tree rounds at Broom Path for use at the pool. They came back to the store and while Neale cleaned and packed up the chainsaw Jim painted preservative on the cut rounds.

Unscheduled Work session Tuesday 26th March 2024 report by Neale
On a short notice work session arranged at the AGM last night, David, John, Karen and I met at 10:00 am to cut log rounds for the pool to be used as stepping pads and to spread ballast.
Work session report Sunday 24 March 2024 photos by Ted
When there are five Sundays in a month I get the middle Sunday off! However, I had forgotten the work session had been altered to avoid Easter so there was no work email sent out. Sorry!
Valerie, Kay, Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim and eventually Ted
Valerie and Kay put in some new plants on the Butterfly Bank. Linda took more plants to Linden Glade and planted some around the outside of the pool. Ted walked to Linden Glade in time to see Linda, Valerie and Kay before continuing along West Gorse and Farleigh Border to join Jim who waiting for Karen and Neale to return with two more barrowloads of ballast to be spread on the path. As we waited, Jim accosted many passing walkers to tell them about arrangements for making donations or for joining the Friends. We were joined by Reza, a friend of Richard Lock, who helped with the ballast spreading. He said he was a drainage engineer!
Ted walked home through the wood and found Toothwort growing in the usual place in East Gorse. Worryingly, the tree upon which the Toothwort is parasitic has a big red number 4 painted on it, suggesting it might be scheduled for removal.

Whilst turning over the soil, I have risked shifting some soil (including removed grassy tufts) onto the bare cement showing on the 'landside' of the rocks so it looks more as if the rocks have been there forever. I know that soil on there will have very little depth so will probably dry out easily but I hope the grass etc might at least hold it in place a bit and the roots eventually reach back to where the soil is wetter and deeper.
There are a few plants also planted on the edge by the rocks which we were kindly given by the Wilderness gardener. She suggested they were possibly tough enough to survive there and give some colour to attract bees etc idc.
Valerie is also looking to see what she can obtain for us via her nursery.
I scraped away the matted plant root growth over what I discovered to be a large flat stone. I assume it was set there as the base for the inscription stone so it stayed in place. I did not have time to clear it all of the accumulated growth and just squeezed the violets in at either end for now. I assume we can transplant them if necessary.
See lower photo - the half I cleared is on the left.

Work session report Sunday 3 March 2024 report by Ted & Neale
Karen, Neale, David, John, Linda, Ted, joined by Katy Morrison and daughter Robin
Linda, Ted, Katy and Robin (who is working towards Duke of Edinburgh award) began by retrieving a football buried in brambles at the end of Great Field. The remainder of the time was spent in the Centenary Plantation clearing more of the bramble.
David, John, Karen and Neale took the two trolleys to Vincent Avenue and loaded up with ballast. They then went to Farleigh Border and after scraping some mud away filled the worst of the puddles they found. David cut some channels to allow some areas to drain of water.
They then did two more runs with the trolleys making six full loads deposited.
On the way back they found some area just needed the mud scraped back which left a firm surface underneath - a rake worked quite well. All six batteries now flat ready for recharge.
Work session report Sunday 24 February 2024
Karen, Neale, Jim, Colin, David, Harry, Ted
Neale and Ted briefly discussed with Valerie plans for replanting the butterfly bank. The others had gone ahead to get to the fallen tree across the south end of Farleigh Border. Once we were together work began clearing hazards and small branches then the main trunks were cut and rolled aside.
While returning down Greenhill Way Neale pointed out a large specimen of Yellow Brain fungus growing on a tree branch. Work was then done at the gates on Vincent Way in preparation for the expected delivery of gravel (ballast) next week for the muddy paths project.
When we finished, the others returned to the car park. I walked home via Stevens Walk, finding another Yellow Brain at the beginning and Jelly Ears at the far end.
They then helped to remove some branches from the tree that had fallen across Farley Border. This made it easier for walkers to pass under it until we are able to cut it away as soon as we can get the necessary tools and manpower there to do so safely.
We hope to welcome back GrowWild again to help us in the last week of this month.

Work session report Sunday 4 February 2024 report by Ted with additions by Neale
Neale, Karen, Linda, Jim, Colin, David, Ted, joined by Jamie Bailey-Smith
Neale, Karen and Jim stayed in the car park and used an angle grinder to cut up the fence panel that was found last week to make it easier to dispose of. They also repaired and replaced the marker post for the start of the Red walk and the end of the Green, which had rotted at the base. This post was used to batter the ladies toilet door in by vandals last year. They used a Metpost to replace it in a new position at the start of the uphill path because they couldn't find its original location.
David and Colin went to Broad Walk and dug up several large Laurel clumps, and collected rubbish in the area.
Linda, Jamie and Ted worked to reduce bramble in the Centenary Plantation, finding on fallen branches specimens of Yellow Brain, White Brain, Exidia plana (relative of Witches Butter), and on a stump a Southern Bracket. On the way home Ted added a huge display of Turkeytail, and Birch Polypore.
Work Session Report Sunday 28 January 2024
Neale, Karen, Jim, Colin, David, Harry, Ted
Heather had mentioned a bit of fencing hidden behind the bracken in the north west corner of David’s Crook. It was checked by Neale and a couple of others and moved out to a more visible position with the intention of collecting it on the way back. It was a substantial framework, possibly left over from the last time the Autumn Fair was held.
The main task involved removing part of the very large tree which had fallen across the beginning of Broom Path. Sections were carefully cut off and dispersed amongst the local vegetation until the path was clear. Via Pool Grove we moved on to deal with two lesser falls in Middle Gorse, one of which had a large amount of old bracket fungi, possibly Blushing Bracket.
I left to walk home while the others returned to the car park.
On our way back after Ted went home we carried the metal fence section back to the carpark. This will need disposing of. David reported this on the Council App as a fly tip.

Work session report Sunday 7 January 2024
Neale, Karen, Jim, Colin, David, Valerie, John, Ted, joined by Mike Griffiths.
A large tree with three major trunks had fallen across Broom Path and, when examined, was found to have a cluster of Oyster mushrooms which would not have been easily seen when the tree was standing.
Work began by removing problems caused to other nearby trees by the fall before tackling the main task. Gradually sections were sawn off the fallen trunks and rolled to the side until the path was cleared. In the meantime, several people took tools and cleared material in the eastern part of Broom Path and in the top part of Greenhill Way.
As we walked back towards the car park, we removed many dead trees and branches in Broom Path.
It is wonderful and developing nicely.

Work session Sunday 3 December 2023
Leaving Neale and Jim at work in the toolstore, Colin, David and Ted took a trolley, loaded with tools and the latest of Jim’s benches, via Vale Border and Broad Walk to Addington Border. Rain began to fall as a suitable spot was chosen and work began digging holes for the bench. With Colin wielding a mattock and David using a spade, work proceeded at pace and the bench was soon in position on the Addington Border (Vanguard Way) just above where the track begins to become very steep (see photo). The work had started at 10.40am and was completed by 10.59am!
Ted walked home while the other two returned with the trolley to the toolstore. There they built the second trolley and did a bit of tidying. Jim took the plastic boxes away to make space as agreed.

Work session Sunday 26 November 2023
Neale started by strimming the brambles outside the toolstore door. Karen, Neale and David remained by the Butterfly Bank where they placed many new fence posts and re-attached the plastic fence. Linda, Jim and Ted went to the Centenary Plantation where vegetation covering the sign, and the plaque, was removed. Some of the branches extending out from the plantation were trimmed. Moving to the south east corner of David’s Crook, bracken and other vegetation was removed to create a wide path allowing access to the plaque on a tree. A brief search over the grass revealed at least six Meadow Waxcaps.
The plan now is for Grow Wild volunteers to continue to clear unwanted vegetation in Centenary plantation on 5/12 - weather and their attendance permitting - as it seems an easily accessible area for them and a task best suited to their abilities.
I wasn’t able to take out any of the plants in the pond as they are still in good health and as such fixed too securely to remove. Below are before and after photos.

Work Session Sunday 29 October 2023
Weather was reasonable as we walked to field 3 to begin preparations for two new benches but soon deteriorated and we worked in pouring rain.
Linda and Ted cleared bushy vegetation at one site to allow for placing of one bench. We created a gap in the bushes to dispose of the cut material.
Simultaneously, the remainder of the group worked on the other site, clearing some vegetation before starting to dig holes for the bench legs. Once this was done they moved to the second site to dig another two holes. All holes were covered with vegetation for safety.
When we stopped work we were thoroughly soaked so Ted walked home rather than make a mess of the interior of Neale’s vehicle, while the others dragged the tools back to the car park.

Work session Sunday 1 October 2023
Neale, Karen, Linda, Jim, David, John, Ted, Cyril
A Yellow Fieldcap was found growing near the bear.
One group took sandbags to Farleigh Border where they spread three sacks in potential muddy hollows, then continued along West Gorse to Linden Glade. Some modifications were made to the gate into the pool area and more sand was added to nearby hollows.
The second group went directly to wait for the others in Linden Glade, but Ted paused at the beginning of Pool Grove to photograph the caterpillar of a Pale Tussock moth.
Linda and Ted then went to the junction of West Gorse and Farleigh Border and began cutting down the two re-growing Holly bushes, before the others came along to help. In carrying armfuls of Holly cuttings to hide amongst the trees, Linda discovered a dozen Common Earthballs.
Ted and John walked home via East Gorse and Baker Boy Lane while the others returned to the car park taking with them the remaining bags of cement.
Work session Sunday 23 Sept 2023 photos by Cathy Logan & Heather Govier
Karen, Neale, Linda, Cathy, Jim, Ted, David
We began by clearing bushy material hiding the Margaret Horn seat at the top left of the car park field. After dragging the tool trolley up the hill in field 2 we stopped at the Centenary Planation to remove some vegetation encroaching upon the first seat. Following the cut through to Davids Crook we continued along Pool Grove to Linden Glade where David joined us. Linda, Cathy & Ted cleared a rough path around the outside of the pool fence. Some of the leftover sand from the fixing of the rocks round the pool was used to fill a few muddy puddles around Linden Glade. An attempt was made to move or protect the remaining sand and cement bags. A decayed tree without branches had fallen into Linden Glade so David used a pruning saw to cut through the trunk and the remaining part was dragged into a safer position.
On the route back we visited a reported fallen tree in the short leg of Great Field and found that it was a very large branch which had broken but remained hinged to the main trunk. It would be too dangerous for us to tackle so it will be reported to the council tree officer.
Two interesting invertebrates were spotted - a Common Door Snail, which is a new species for us and a Red Admiral caterpillar.

We are grateful to them not only for the baling out and sweeping but also for pulling the trolley laden with donated rockery stones and for the collection of small stones ready for the ballast needed when resetting the rocks around the edge.
Later the Zarebas swept up the last of the dried mud and dried the surface with blowers.
Work Session Sunday 13 August 2023
Neale & Karen, Linda, Jim, David, Colin, Ted, Harry & two of his children.
Ted walked across to Middle Gorse and, while waiting for the others, cleared most of the fallen Hawthorn, leaving only the thick trunk across the path at head height. He then wandered round to East Gorse and found that Colin & David had cleared most of the fallen Birch but were waiting for a chainsaw to remove part of the trunk. Ted walked back to Middle Gorse in time to see the arrival of the rest of the group who had been given wrong directions to the fall. Leaving them to remove the remainder of the fall he returned to East Gorse and jokingly suggested the Birch trunk could be cut with available pruning saws! That was a challenge Colin & David were happy to accept and had just manage to cut through the trunk when the others arrived with the chainsaw! Further logs were cut from the trunk but in falling it had brought down several other trees so they were dealt with as well. Unfortunately, we discovered a broken Birch branch dangling from another tree but it was too high up for us to bring it down. Most of the group then took the trolley to field 3 to pick up a stone slab which had been found there.
Unscheduled Work Activity 11 July - report & photos by John Zareba
I have cleared this fall this morning - 2 hours! It was a dense one but each branch manageable.
(The fall was entirely blocking the path and had been reported to FSW by many people on 10th July. Many thanks to John for all his hard work in removing it so promptly.)

Work session Sunday 2 July 2023 - photos in gallery by John Zareba show work on the Butterfly Bank
30 stakes were purchased to strengthen the fence around the Butterfly Bank, unfortunately six were stolen from where they had been stored in the toilet block.
Jim, Colin and David started by treating the sharpened ends of the 24 which remained.
Neale, Jim, Ted & John took the stakes and tools to the Butterfly Bank and began by strimming some of the long grass on the outside of the bank prior to placing some of the stakes in position after using a small auger to make guide holes.
Colin and David went off to Great Field where they removed vegetation around several seats before they got to work cutting down a large Laurel. The cut Laurel branches were placed on top of old dead branches to prevent them touching the ground. That done, they returned briefly to the Butterfly Bank before carrying on to David’s Crook to clear more vegetation, then on to East Gorse and Farleigh Border to remove two fallen trees.
Back at the bank stakes were in position round half of the fence. The current arrangement is temporary and will be modified at a later date.
Meadow Brown butterflies were seen frequently and Neale reported seeing a Red Admiral.
Work session Sunday 4 June 2023
After filling a trolley with tools and other items we began by exposing the Vale Border board buried in the hedge. A Red Admiral was visible as we started along Vale Border, clearing vegetation from around benches as we went. Near Kingfisher Gate we removed the limbo bar formed by a fallen tree then put up one of Jim’s bird boxes. Colin and David returned to Field 3 with the trolley and cleared more vegetation while on their way to Linden Glade. The other four members of the group followed Beech Grove, pausing at Broad Walk to replace the guide post, and eventually joined the others in Linden Glade. We had encountered several Holly Blue butterflies in various places and in the glade there was one inspecting the Holly. As usual one of the benches had vanished under mixed vegetation so we rescued that before erecting Jim’s Robin nest box. A few tree branches were lopped off, spare drinking water was added to the basin on top of the cairn, then we returned to the car park.

Jim and Linda worked with the GoWild team to clear Laurel in the wood.

Work Session report Sunday 29th January 2023 photos by Neale Fox, Linda Morris and Ted Forsyth
Neale, Karen, Jim & David cleared the material dumped in the car park hedge, cleared a bench along Vale border and then went off to deal with fallen branches. Linda, Valerie, Louise and Ted started in Linden Glade where an attempt was made to get an idea of the pool measurements. We then worked in the Centenary Plantation trying to clear some of the bramble and saplings of mainly Ash, in the hope that it will encourage the return of White Helleborines. More work will have to be done there.
Shortly after Louise left, Linda & Valerie returned the tool trolley to the store, but not before a dog grabbed Linda’s plastic drinking mug and ran around with it for some minutes.
Ted, intending to walk home, walked up The Wend to reach East Gorse where Neale’s group had already started removing a largish tree leaning over the path at head height. After another hour the potential hazard had been removed.

Jim and Linda welcomed the GoWild team again today to do some more work for us in the wood.
Oliver had brought Jesse and his carer who had previously started to cut back bracken around field edge for us. Today, he had also brought two new clients, Babatunde and Barry.
Linda's initial plan was to take them all to the derelict bench site on East Gorse to clear the brambles surrounding it whilst she and Jim tidied up the remnants of gorse stumps etc left after Sunday's view clearance.
The GoWild clients did that work more quickly than she expected although they were not particularly adept at handling the loppers. Linda therefore suggested they might be more usefully employed in the time available moving away the long branches of gorse that she and Jim had cut in the area adjacent to the cleared space. Ted had indicated he was concerned they could be a significant fire risk, as they had grown so tall, so agreed they should be cut down.
Linda and Jim cut them all down approximately to waist height in the hope/ expectation that they would sprout new growth to create bushes that could more easily be kept under regular control (see photos).
Heather visited the team whilst this was happening and agreed that she would prefer most of the undergrowth to be kept there and simply the gorse height be controlled in those patches in future because she had noticed that the bracken seemed to be blocking out other plant regrowth and new plants in previously cleared areas.
The GoWild team of workers did an excellent job of removing branches as we cut them, extending considerably the size of the pile we had built on Sunday.
Linda and Oliver agreed GoWild would be welcome again on 3rd January and she would probably ask them to continue to work as they had today on a different part of the gorses area where the gorse had grown very tall and lanky again. Oliver agreed the work was suitable for them to do.
The GoWild team left us about 12.30. Linda and Jim had a quick coffee break then packed up the trolley before making their way to the car park
On their way back, Linda and Jim cleared an (almost) fallen tree on Farleigh Border not far from the kissing gate to BB Lane. They felt it would be liable to collapse under weight of snow or in a winter gale so it was better to do the work whilst the sun was shining!
An enjoyable and fulfilling morning's work completed successfully!
Work session report Sunday 4 December 2022 photos by Linda Morris and Ted Forsyth
Linda, Valerie & Ted examined the Junipers we planted in David’s Crook and found no Deer damage. We worked in East Gorse by the old bench (which will soon be replaced) and cleared much of the tall Gorse immediately opposite so that there is now a route through to the centre of The Gorses. The cut material was dragged into the nearby woodland and left as a large habitat pile. While working we found three species of fungi – Crimped Gill, Blueing Bracket and Coral Spot.
Jim, David and Colin went to the other end of the woods and began by removing a fallen branch on the Bridle Way by The Cascades while Neale was getting some Metposts from Screwfix. They then met up with Neale and Karen and went to replace a couple of fallen guide posts using the Metposts (at the junction of Avis & Beech Way and the junction of the Vanguard Way & Courtwood Grove). They went on to clear a few branches and to rehang some path name boards (Beech Grove and Bluebell Grove).
Individual Work task Thursday 1st December 2022 report & photos by John Zareba
As I said in the Committee Meeting, I had a piece of scaffold pipe in the allotments and today decided to try for size. I have put it to good use! I have inserted it in the top and bottom part of the broken (rusted) post. This has sorted the problem, though it is just a little wobbly, it won't come out, or fall over now.

Work session Sunday 27th November 2022 photos by Linda Morris
Linda, Valerie, Cathy, Ted & David concentrated on removing dead vegetation from the Butterfly Bank and disposing of it amongst the nearby trees. All the stakes holding up the plastic fence around the bank, some of which had fallen, were then hammered into the wet soil to improve their support. Heather picked a white mushroom from a group of three – it proved to be a Snowy Waxcap.
Neale, Karen and Jim went off to deal with falls near the Centenary Plantation and in Broad Walk.
Work session Tuesday 8th November 2022
The Work Session planned for Sunday 6th November was cancelled due to bad weather. However on Tuesday 8th Jim went alone to clear two tree falls which had occurred a few days previously. One fall was in the cut through from Great Field to David's Crook and the other was in West Gorse south close to the junction with Middle Gorse. Many thanks Jim for braving the showers to undertake this work:-)
Work session report Sunday 30 October 2022 photos by Linda Morris & Ted Forsyth
As rain seemed more persistent than expected we postponed the start of the session from 10.00am to 11.00am. Eight of us took two trolleys of tools, stakes, Valerie’s four pots of Juniper saplings, containers of water, and a small roll of Netlon. We stopped by the Butterfly Bank to make a temporary repair to the partially collapsed fence, then carried on to David’s Crook to plant the Junipers. After the saplings were in position they were staked for support and the roll of Netlon was sufficient to provide a cage around each of two of the four to dissuade deer from nibbling. We will see how the uncaged pair survive. I took the opportunity to look for Waxcaps and found two small clumps of Golden Waxcap, Hygrocybe chlorophana.
The party then moved via Pool Grove to retrieve a fallen name board and a bird box before arriving at the far end of Leafy Grove where the large fallen tree branch was cut up and placed by the side of paths to provide habitats for fungi in later years.

The Work Session for Sunday 2nd October was officially cancelled due to forecast of Bad Weather
However Neale, Karen & Jim went out on Saturday 1st October to clear falls in Smith Grove and Beech Grove.

Work Session report for Sunday 7 August 202 - photos by Neale Fox & Cathy Logan
Linda, Valerie, Cathy & Ted walked along Vale Border to Field 2 where Jim pointed out an area where a rotted bench had been removed some time ago. As a new bench is to be put in that position, we made an initial attempt to clear the area.
Karen, Neale & Jim carried on along Vale Border to clear the fallen branches blocking the path, then carried on to Leafy Grove to deal with several trees which were toppling.
In the meantime, LVCT trudged up to David’s Crook to investigate the large area of bracken which it was thought might hide another seat. The two known seats along that edge of the field were visible so there were doubts that the bracken concealed another. We contented ourselves by carving out a large patch of bracken while also looking unsuccessfully for the plastic tube which should be protecting a young Wild Service Tree. We will have to investigate again when the bracken has died down.
Work Session report Sunday 3 July 2022 - Photos by Cathy Logan, Jim Dunning, Neale Fox & Ted Forsyth
Linda, Valerie, Cathy & Ted worked round Field 3 clearing vegetation around seats and benches. One of the newer seats against the south west edge of the tree belt (dedicated to Diane Defries) has had some attention from Wood Pigeons, probably roosting above it and leaving their deposits on the seat. We were unable to clean it completely.
There were quite a few Pyramidal Orchids, Silver-washed Fritillaries and Meadow Brown butterflies. We heard urgent cries from a Carrion Crow and saw it mobbing a calling Buzzard. Moving into Great Field we had even closer views of Crow and Buzzard.
Jim had been working to remove graffiti from a seat at the top of Field 3 then moved off to join Karen and Neale in Linden Glade. They had previously removed some of the Duckweed & Blanket Weed from the pond in the Jubilee Plantation & topped up the bird feeders. L, V, C & T joined them in Linden Glade to uncover the bench which was hidden by bracken. Neale and Jim took down a tree which was leaning over the West Gorse path, then several people worked to trim branches overhanging the Linden Glade pond area. Red Admiral and Comma butterflies were seen in this area.
Informal Work Session report for 29 June 2022 - report by Jim Dunning
Work Session report for Sunday 12 June 2022
Linda and Ted set off along Vale Border intending to clear vegetation around seats and benches in the fields. A Red Admiral butterfly was seen perched on the side of a guide post. The first bench was in danger of being buried by the encroaching bushes so we spent time cutting back and disposing of the material. Passing through into Field 2 we dealt with a second bench on the left then circled clockwise round the field examining and clearing benches and seats. On looking back from the top of the field we could see that the cleared bench at the bottom was already being used by two people. Returning to Field 1 we dragged the tool trolley up to the recently renovated seat set back in the bushes where we stopped for a break. As we continued up towards the seat at Greenhill Way we were met by Neale’s team returning to the toolstore.
We cleared the last two of our dozen seats and benches then Linda went off and Ted joined the other group of Neale, Karen and Jim who had spent the morning digging a hole in the Jubilee Plantation in preparation for erecting the bird identification chart near the David Malins Memorial bird feeding station. Their return to the toolstore was to collect the board and support structure for the Memorial Plaque. On another trolley it was dragged to the Jubilee Plantation and, after some more digging to increase the depth of the hole, the whole structure was carefully slid over the fence until the over-sized legs could slide into the hole. After deciding on the height required for the plaque the two legs were cut to size and the hole was filled in to fix the structure firmly in position.
Informal Work Session report for Monday 23rd May 2022

Informal Work Session report for Monday 23rd May 2022

Work Session report for Sunday 8 May 2022
Karen, Neale, Jim and Ted arrived first and filled a couple of trolleys with boxes of plug plants and supplies of water in watering cans and plastic containers. We soon got involved at the butterfly bank, joined by Heather and Cathy, planting Kidney Vetch, Marjoram, Wild Thyme, Rock Rose, Hairy Violet and Small Scabious. The original intention had been to put some of the plants in the butterfly hot spot of David’s Crook and also on the car park bund but all the plants ended up on the butterfly bank. When we had finished we returned the trolleys to the toolstore, disposed of the empty seed trays, treated the Spanish Bluebells that had been found behind a seat, then examined the possibility of using a hose to top up the pond in the Jubilee Plantation.
See the Butterfly Bank page for photos of the open flowers spotted today.
Informal Work Session report for Friday 15th April 2022

Work Session report for Sunday 3 April 2022
Linda, Valerie and Ted began work in the south-west corner of David’s Crook to remove vegetation obscuring the commemorative plaque on a tree. After some progress had been made Karen, Neale and Jim arrived on their way to their tasks. As they had the collapsible ladder with them we persuaded Neale and Karen to climb up to clean the plaque so that the message can now be read. They then joined Jim to remove an offending branch over Broom Path. While they went on to deal with fallen name boards and other tasks the vegetation clearance continued. Once we were satisfied that there was a clear view of the plaque we returned to finish the work we had been doing in Great Field. By now the other group had circled round the wood, having put up a bird box in Pool Grove and a name board in The Wend and removed a small tree which had fallen across Bluebell Grove. They were now putting up a name board in Stevens’ Walk within metres of the first group. Both groups finished at the same time and returned to the car park.

Work Session report for Sunday 27 March 2022 photos by Linda Morris
Karen, Neale and Jim went to David’s Path to deal with the large fallen tree - see below
Linda, Valerie and Ted dragged a trolley filled with a selection of tools to Great Field and stopped by the entrance to Smith Grove and The Wend. Vegetation consisting of a mixture of raspberry, bramble and saplings had grown up next to the woodland edge and, as can be seen in the photographs, most of this was successfully cleared to ground level, leaving just a small amount to be dealt with later. Ted and Valerie dragged a large builder bag filled with the cut vegetation into the woodland and disposed of it in a suitable spot. Subsequently Valerie took over this task and filled and emptied seven or eight more.

Jim, Karen and Neale cleared the Davids Path fall - see before and after photos by Neale below. That is the last of the 24 falls from the February gales. The map below shows the location of all the falls and the Falls Photos file beneath it a photo of each fall before clearance with the date each was cleared.

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Falls Photos Job Done.pdf Size : 1241.328 Kb Type : pdf |
Extra Unscheduled Workday - Saturday 26th March 2022 - report by Neale Fox
Karen and I cleared the Addington Border and Wend tree falls with a silky. Photos below show Addington Border fall before and after

Extra Unscheduled Workday - Sunday 20 March 2022 - report by Neale Fox
A small team consisting of Jim, Harry, Neale and Karen, decided due to the favourable weather, to clear some of the tree falls. We managed to clear the blockages at the junction of Courtwood Grove and Langford's Way and then move on to West Gorse. These were two major falls cleared and hopefully on the next workday we can clear Addington Border and The Wend. There is one other huge tree down in David's Path which we have left until last because it is in a less well used part of the wood.

Workday report for Sunday 6 March 2022
Linda and Valerie continued work in The Gorses and were joined later by Cathy. Clearance has now reached the East Gorse path at two points. The rubbish was made into several large piles which will be shifted to a more suitable position on a future occasion. Photos from Cathy

Karen, Neale, Jim and Ted stopped briefly at the memorial bird feeders to watch Long-tailed Tits then carried on to the north end of Smith Grove to deal with a Birch which had toppled but was resting on other trees. This was gradually cut into pieces until it was brought down to the ground. After clearing away the fallen material it was noticed that a loose branch was hanging vertically over the path like a Sword of Damocles. It was brought down by Jim’s acrobatics with a long thin branch. Careful examination found a second loose branch which was also persuaded to drop.
At the south end of Smith Grove the path was blocked by what looked like a very large tree but it proved to be a huge branch which had ripped away from a nearby tree. With loppers and saws we were kept busy cutting and removing branches and logs until the path was clear. A specimen of Yellow Brain fungus was found on one of the small branches.
We examined the large fall in West Gorse but decided it would have to be left to another day. Photos in the gallery show clearance of fall B at the north end of Smith Grove + Yellow Brain + Falls Map. Photos below show before and after of clearance of fall 19 at the south end of Smith Grove.

Linda, Valerie, Cathy, Janet and Allan worked in The Gorses and cleared a lot more of the area. See photos below by Cathy Logan and panorama by Linda Morris
Karen, Neale, Jim and Ted went along Vale Border clearing awkward branches then came to a large fall (12) which was partially held up in another tree and kept us occupied until 11.25am. We dragged the tool trolley back to field 3 and entered Broad Walk, clearing some small items (6) before spending time clearing tree E on Heather’s list. Heather appeared at this point and was able to show us tree fall 13 down a small path which we had missed. The remains of a stump at the beginning of the path was cut and eventually ripped out of the ground. Our remaining time was spent in removing tree 13.
When we stopped I walked home along Addington Border path and found a new fall just after crossing Avis Grove.

Unscheduled Work Activity - Wednesday 23 February 2022 - photos by Ruth & Steve Budd
Steve painted "T" marks in the car park to encourage cars to park tidily, using a stencil prepared by Neale. The work was done at twilight when the car park was empty.

Unscheduled Workday to clear Tree Falls - Tuesday 22 February 2022 -photos by John Zareba - map below shows all falls numbered
I walked across the wood to the car park and found the others had already moved off, but as I had not met them on Greenhill Way I thought they might have decided to begin at Smith Grove. When I entered Stevens Walk I discovered John working on a Pine tree (number 2 on the list) which had fallen across a fence. I helped to finish the clearing then went with John to join Neale and Jim to help clear three falls in Greenhill Way (including numbers 9 & 10). Next was Broom Path, where we were joined by Harry, to clear tree 8, and nearby in David’s Path we found a very large fallen tree which we decided to leave. East Gorse was the next target, tree 11, which was left for the next workday. When we reached the Middle Gorse junction we took down a potentially dangerous tree leaning over the path. Continuing along Leafy Grove, in company with Heather who had arrived, we stopped in Noakes Way and cleared a tree which I had seen on my way over. Harry spotted a dangerous loose branch and with the help of a long thin branch he was able to dislodge it. Further along Leafy Grove we entered Bluebell Grove to clear tree 4, a Holly. Near the other end of Bluebell Grove a small fall was cleared before we examined the large tree blocking the path. A test cut on the broken end suggested we would be able to clear it – it was cut into sections and the pieces were rolled aside. Again Harry spotted a rotten tree leaning over and he was able to persuade it to drop to the ground where it was cut and rolled aside.
Any falls still on the list we will deal with next workday or we will report them to the Tree Officer.

Workday report for Sunday 6 February 2022 - report by Linda Morris
Early morning stormy weather led to most of the regulars deciding not to come but it was dry by 10am.
Jim and I worked again on the Gorses and successfully opened up the way through to the other side this morning. We picked up some of the cuttings and left in a pile by tree close to where we reached the main path. The two hedge cutters made it quicker work although admit there might be short stumps etc of brambles and saplings to cut off once the area has been raked to remove the cuttings.
Once the first cut through had been made we started on the overgrown area to the left of it behind where the work stopped last week. Again, I slashed through the brambles and bracken with the cutters and Jim tackled the bushes and saplings with his saw that were too thick for me to cut without the hedge trimmer getting jammed.
We created a pile of debris closer to where we were working as time was running out for what we had hoped to complete today.If I have time later this week ( maybe Thursday morning) I'll try to have another clear up morning with a rake so we can see the cleared area more clearly.
Saw lots of bluebells coming up as we walked back!

Workday report for Sunday 30 January 2022
Linda, Valerie and Janet went off to continue working in The Gorses. Two trolleys had been left in the toolstore, each with a large bag of woodchips. Mike took one and dragged it to the Farleigh Border path, helped by John, while Karen and Allan took the second. Ted followed behind intending to help but found the others were moving three times faster! The woodchip was used to create a path over a muddy patch - see top photo. We took the empty trolleys back to Vincent Avenue where Neale and Jim had brought their vehicles laden with the remaining sacks of woodchips. Soon two more trolleys were on the way while Ted stayed to help unload the sacks before returning to the toolstore area to fetch a haversack in preparation for joining The Gorses crew. Heather and Ted trudged up to the Farleigh Border, meeting the empty trolleys on the way and being followed shortly after by the next two loads. Ted and Heather walked to The Gorses where the three ladies have created multiple mounds of cut material. Jim came along and began cutting bramble, bracken and some gorse before finishing by demolishing a stand of sycamore. A timely phone call from Neale brought things to an end. Something like ten individual trolley loads had moved all but a few sacks.
It was a bright and frosty day when we began but Great Spotted Woodpeckers were drumming and Green Woodpeckers were "yaffling".
On Monday 1st February Linda revisited the Gorses area to rake up some of the bracken and Bramble that she had cut on Sunday.
The lower photo shows how the area looks now with the clearance done almost through to the path on the other side.

A team met for an unscheduled workday to start to distribute woodchip to ameliorate some of the worst muddy paths. Full details of this work can be found on the Projects page.
Workday report for Sunday 2 January 2022
Linda went to the Jubilee Plantation to meet Heather and was followed later by Valerie, John and Ted. Bird feeders were added to the poles which Linda and Peter had positioned previously. John and Ted cut down two hazel clumps to allow a good view of the feeders then with the help of Valerie dumped most of the cut material in a couple of existing pits in the plantation. Valerie also used some of the logs to mark the edges of a rough path. We then moved on to the Butterfly Bank where we trimmed some of the larger plants.
Karen, Neale and Harry carried out an experiment on a muddy part of Greenhill Way by scraping mud to the side and leaving a relatively hard surface. Encouraged by what looked like success, they carried on to the very muddy patch beside the cut tree trunks on Farleigh Border path. There they attempted to dig out the mud and also created a drainage channel to see if it will reduce the amount of water on the path.
Photos by Neale Fox
Workday report for Sunday 5th December 2021
Neale, Karen, Jim, Harry, Paul Winter, Linda, Ted
Linda and Ted continued working in The Gorses concentrating on raking loose material and removing some of the cut saplings. While the others waited for Paul to arrive Karen attempted to make repairs to the fence on the butterfly bank. They then examined deep muddy patches in various places and also removed the fallen birch which was hanging above the Farleigh Border path. Jim left this group to join us in The Gorses and was soon helping to transfer piles of waste to an area in the woodland. The remainder of the group soon appeared and got involved in cutting various stumps to ground level, clearing some of the bramble, and helping with the clearing of waste material covering the ground. When rain began to fall we decided to go home.
During our work I picked up a short stick covered in the bright red spots of Coral Spot fungus which was the first sighting of this species this year. Some orange-coloured mushrooms were found growing on a tree stump but have not yet been identified.

Workday Report for Sunday 28th November 2021
Jim, Neale & Karen, Linda, Cathy, Harry, Ted
The last four named above returned to The Gorses and cleared a large amount of bracken, bramble and some sycamore saplings. In the process we found several scattered groups of large Sulphur Tuft, one clump of Glistening Inkcap, a solitary Common Funnel, and on an old stump Turkeytail and Peeling Oysterlings.

Jim, Neale & Karen went to the Courtwood end of the wood to deal with some large Laurel (see before and after photos below) then began returning to Farleigh Border to improve the conditions for bypassing an awkward muddy patch.
By this time Cathy had left and Linda decided to return to the car park carrying her load of tools, while Ted and Harry took the trolley to meet the others on Farleigh Border.
Bypassing the mud was made easier by removing a lot of fallen wood so that it is no longer necessary to step over anything.
On the way back to the car park a Birch tree which had fallen some time ago was lying across the path above head height. A few smaller branches were trimmed but removing the tree will be done another time.

Installation of Pitkin Bench 17th November 2021
Jim Dunning, John Zareba and Neale Fox installed a new bench dedicated to Brian Pitkin in Broad Walk.
The bench was delivered in pieces ready for assembly and taken to the site using 2 trolleys.
The original bench in that location was removed and the top retained for a member of FSW who had requested it.
Holes were dug almost in the same position as the original bench and the complete installation took only a few hours.
Many thanks to all involved - shown below left taking a well deserved rest on the bench. Further details of the Brian Pitkin bench are given on the Seats & Benches page of the website.
The team also installed a Vanguard Way marker at the junction of Broad Walk and Addington Border next to a FSW bench that was installed a few weeks ago - below right.

Workday Report for Sunday 7th November 2021
Linda, Neale, Jim, Ted, Valerie B, Cathy L, John Z, Mike Griffith (TCV)
Neale & Jim went off to replace a damaged guide post and were able to sink a new metpost but were unable to release the old one so this will be sorted out later. On the way they removed several patches of overhanging wild clematis. The main intention was to make a start on removing a large laurel which they did by trimming some of the branches but they left the main work for later when they will treat what remains after further cutting.
The other volunteers dragged the tool trolley up to The Gorses where some continued the work of clearing vegetation. Three of us concentrated on removing a large pile of bramble, bracken and branches to allow sunlight to warm up the soil and encourage growth of flowers. Some of the branches in the pile had obviously been there for four years or more and many were sporting fungi of various species but nothing that excited us enough to take photos. However more fungi were found on the ground and on old tree stumps including Sulphur Tuft, Oysterlings, Sheathed Woodtuft and others.
As we were about to stop work John Z phoned Neale and found that he and Jim were on their way to the large crater in Stevens Larch to clear up rubbish left by revellers. Our route back to the car park took us in that direction so we met up before Linda and Cathy took our tools back to the toolstore. Neale and Jim descended into the pit with a large sack to retrieve the litter including a vary large piece of cardboard, all of which we took back to the car park.
Photos from Linda Morris & John Zareba.
Workday Report for Sunday 3rd October 2021
Neale & Karen Fox, Jim Dunning, Linda Morris, Harry Creer and his two sons Finlay & Bertie, Allan & Janet Bushnell, Valerie Baldry, Nila Germain, Adam Fuller, Ted Forsyth
Neale, Karen & Jim spent their time on Vale Border, first cutting overhead branches which were forming a tunnel then concentrating on removing a large tree in Field 2 which had fallen over a bench. They also removed and demolished one of the seats on the side of the field which had fallen into serious disrepair. The plaque from that seat, dedicated to Murray Silverstone, will be attached to the adjacent bench
The remaining volunteers returned to The Gorses to continue opening up the area by selectively removing sycamore saplings, bramble and bracken, whilst retaining any rowan, oak and gorse seedlings. A pile of branches which were cut two years ago, along with one of the many recent piles of cut materials were disposed of in the nearby woodland.
photos from Linda Morris and Neale Fox
Workday Report Sunday 26th September 2021
Neale & Karen Fox, Jim Dunning, Linda Morris, Cathy Logan, Harry Creer & 7 year-old son Bertie, and Ted Forsyth all attended the first group workday of the autumn and the first since the start of the pandemic.
Neale, Karen & Jim took one laden tool trolley and went off to put up a couple of bat boxes at Vincent Avenue then began looking for a place where a Greenhill way nameboard needed to be put back. After scanning the whole path is was decided that the board they had with them was not needed and was a spare. Finding that the West Gorse path by Farleigh Border was becoming too narrow, they opened it up by clearing some of the encroaching vegetation. They also took the opportunity to compete the bolting down of the seat by the Centenary Plantation.
The remainder of the volunteers took a second trolley of tools to the Gorses where they attempted to make a start at selectively clearing bramble, bracken and sycamore saplings but leaving gorse bushes and seedlings along with young oak seedlings. Once most of the area is clear we will decide whether to thin out some of the seedlings. Some of the cut material has already been moved to a pile in the wood where it will be allowed to decay. Some vegetation was removed from around benches in Middle Gorse. Finally, as we passed through the fields where the grass had been cut, we noticed that several mushrooms were visible.
photos from Linda Morris, John Zareba and Neale Fox

Workday Report Sunday 1st August 2021
John remained in the car park to check the growth on the laurel which tends to project out into the car parking spaces.
Linda and Valerie went off to deal with vegetation around seats and benches in the fields and managed to clear a dozen.
Harry & Jim removed a rotted bench in Field 3 and started digging holes for a replacement bench. Jim took the opportunity to mask some of the dowels and screws he used in refurbishing the seat by the Centenary Plantation.
Neale, Karen & I began at the Centenary seat where Neale fitted security bolts. Moving on to Leafy Grove we put up a cluster of three bat boxes on three separate trees. A phone call to Jim confirmed he was still in Field 3, Harry having left at 12 noon. We joined him and made an attempt to increase the depth of the holes but had to relinquish the task before reaching the required depth.
As the dull initial conditions were later replaced by sun we began seeing many butterflies, particularly fritillaries (probably including both Dark Green and Silver-washed), Gatekeeper, Large White, Meadow Browns, Ringlet and Small Copper.
Workday Report Tuesday 27th July 2021 - report by Neale Fox

Workday Report Sunday 4th July 2021 - report by Neale Fox

Workday Report Sunday 13th June 2021
Linda & Ted started on Vale Border then moved into field 2 and back to field 1. We cleared low vegetation around benches and seats, including one which was almost hidden in the hedge. On this last one, in particular, we spent some time removing bushy material.
Neale, Karen & Jim concentrated on putting up path name boards. Report below from Neale.
Name boards replaced were: Noakes Way/East Gorse junction (this was labelled for its location) and two Langford's Way signs (but we spent quite some time locating were they came from). We also had a Greenhill Way sign but we were hot and starting to flag so did not find its location but the one near the field entrance was about to fall off so we remounted that. We also have some new signs to mount but will use a different mount system because they are chestnut and much heavier.

We first replaced the G2 post on the edge of the field pointing up to Broad Walk. We then fixed a replacement Broad Walk sign by the Cascades gate. I used large nails without the backplate due to its shape. Walked along and fixed two Courtwood Grove signs. Then across to Pool Grove and fixed the short sign post. This has been put on the left approaching the pool due to the opposite side seeming to have concrete just under the surface. Next the Wend sign near Stevens Walk was fixed using the nail only method.
There are a few signs for which I am not sure where they need placing so once surveyed again will complete next time.

The tree across the fence along Farleigh Border will need clearing but with the base outside the reserve and also being high up we didn’t have time today. It is not much of a problem currently so can wait for now.
I have retained the extending loppers from the store for further use to save opening up the store on each visit.

While most of today’s team started from the car park Ted walked up from the Courtwood Lane entrance to Beech Grove with the intention of beginning the task of clearing the large fallen Oak branch which was blocking the path. Work proceeded steadily with cut material piled by the side of the path. Most of the offending branches had been removed when Heather appeared with her dog, Bella, and shortly afterwards the missing team members appeared. Apparently somewhere in the region of the car park lots of smoke had caused a concerned member of the public to phone the fire brigade who were allowed into the car park by Neale opening the gates and removing the height barrier. The smoke was traced to the nearby school where someone was having a burn-up. False alarm! That was sufficient to delay the team but on their arrival in Beech Grove they helped complete the clearance. (There was a good clump of Sulphur Tuft fungi on a nearby tree stump).
The next task was at the top of Langford’s Way where we removed the last vestiges of a blockage mostly cleared previously by Harry. Following this we tackled the old fallen tree in Gt Field which had been lying there for months, and also removed a Birch tree which had come down beside it. We ended in the gap between Stevens Larch and Centenary Plantation where we removed the last of our fallen trees.
We also cut down a number of overhanging Oak branches in order to put the National Trust bench beside the Centenary back in the sun.
Leaving the others to make their way back to the car park, Ted wearily traced his steps back to Langford’s Way and to the Courtwood Lane exit.

Interesting to see how far set back it is now compared with when it was first put there presumably on the edge of the field-would that have been 12-15 years ago???
I also cut back around a few seats on my way back around the fields
For once, almost every one who passed me said 'Thank you for our efforts' ! I should have had a collection bucket with me!

Workday report for Sunday 12 July 2020
Linda, Harry, Ted
When the team assembled at the tool store it was obvious that only Linda, Harry and Ted were available. We decided to concentrate on Vale Border and soon found a bench which was buried by a fallen tree. A fair amount of time was spent uncovering the bench and disposing of the cut material. As we continued along the border there were frequent stops to remove more bushy material acting as a potential or actual hazard. After leaving field 3 we found an Ash tree which had fallen some time ago and was now lying across the path and propped up on the metal fence on the other side. Harry cut through the trunk and allowed the top part to drop on the other side of the fence then Ted and Harry swung the remaining trunk round and laid it by the side of the path. Beyond this point there was little work to do but some small puzzling saplings gave Linda the chance to use her plant identification app to tell us they were young Dogwood. Further on the app identified Great Willowherb. Within the woodland we heard Collared Dove Stock Dove and Blackcap, and in the fields we identified Small White and Holly Blue butterflies. Some of the Blackthorn bushes appeared to be bare of sloes while others carried a heavy crop. Linda and Harry returned to the car park while Ted trudged up the steep Addington Border path and turned into Broad Walk to see the four Yellow Birdsnest plants which were found recently – they are now past their best.

13/3/20 - Follow up to 11/3/20 - photo below by Linda Morris
I carried the remaining 25 tubes from home to the coppice site this afternoon and added them to the ten which I had left there. With the help of Linda "Muscles" Morris we managed to drive in 35 stakes and cover them with loose tubes, and in some cases had to cut the tops of stakes which were too long. That just leaves the actual planting which generally does not need holes to be dug. Instead, where possible, a spade is stuck into the soil and wobbled about to create a slot big enough and of sufficient depth to take the roots on the whip. A judicious use of the boot to close the soil over the root completes that part of the task. The loose tube (which would have been removed to do the planting) is then placed over both the stake and the whip and the two attached releasable ties are tightened to finish.
I'll keep an eye on weather forecasts and check out when I might be on HBK then let people know when I intend to return for the planting. Many thanks to Linda for her invaluable help!
11/3/20 - Additional, Unscheduled Workday by Ted Forsyth to preserve whips (delivered by Simon this morning)
After lunch I took half of the tubes (25) and all 50 of the whips and took them to the coppice area. The first task was to dig a suitable hole for the whips and find extra soil to earth them up – I hope they will survive like that without drying out too much until we need them. I managed to drive in 15 of Harry’s sharpened stakes, cut them, where necessary, so that they were below the top of the tube (to allow the eventual growth to wave freely without being destroyed by a projecting stake), then covered them loosely with a tube. It is difficult to state an exact spacing for the whips, and to some extent it is determined by the roots coming from the various stumps, but there are still ten unused tubes in the area and I have another 25 at home. I would prefer not to disturb the whips until we either have a lot of help or when all the stakes are in position.
By the time the main group had arrived Ted had collected a pile of fallen twigs and small branches. Cyril got a fire started and more material was collected by Linda, Karen, Maggie and Ted. Jim and Geoff used the two scythettes to attack some of the bramble growth over much of the site. Neale, Harry and Ed put in more fence posts. Later Neale and Geoff went down Langford’s Way to Avis Grove to deal with a fallen tree, while Harry and Ted cleared part of a fallen tree which was partially blocking the exit to Gt Field from Smith Grove.
Workday report for Sunday 23 February 2020 - photos below by Linda Morris
Linda, Neale, Jim, Cyril, Harry, Geoff, Angus, Ted.
In squally weather, and unsure whether rain would hold off, a fire was started so that when everyone had arrived we could get on with our various tasks. Jim went off to search for any remaining coppice work. Harry sharpened tree stakes ready for planting. Cyril cut stumps. Linda and Ted worked with the fire. Geoff, Angus and Neale dragged material to the fire. Volunteers switched tasks from time to time. Eventually work was begun on making repairs to the deer fence. Several new fence posts were driven into place then the wire along the top of the fence was straightened and pinned to various posts. Finally, to hold the wire in tension it was attached to a gatepost which was then braced with an additional inclined post.

Workday report for Sunday 2 February 2020 - photos by Linda Morris
Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim, Cyril, Harry, David, Ted.
Ted started early and got a fire going. When the others arrived Jim set off as usual coppicing stands of Hazel. Cut material was dragged to the fire and various stumps were trimmed. Harry pointed some potential fence posts then trimmed side branches ready for the next fire. A rake was used to clear some of the small debris. Cyril joined in with the chainsaw and helped Jim with his last Hazel clump. The two of them then used several of Harry’s prepared posts (see right) to shore up the deer fence in several places. We were visited by a Peacock butterfly.
Photo below shows the site left in a very tidy state.

Workday Report for Sunday 26 January 2020
Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim, David, Richard, Ted.
Ted began at 9.30am by checking fence posts (one of which had a patch of Glue Crust fungus) and fence netting around the site, then concentrated on removing a collection of stems growing from an old stump. A fire had not been started early as there had not been a pile of twiggy material available, but when the others arrived it was decided to go ahead with a fire (after we removed the evidence that showed “glue sniffers” had invaded the site). Too much sappy material meant that the initial attempt was a failure but a careful restart was a success. The group split up and variously cut old Hazel clumps, dragged cut material away from working areas, reduced stumps, hacked at the insidious leg-clinging Bramble, cut trip hazards and fed the fire. Towards the end several new fence posts were driven into position and attached to the deer fence.
Workday report for Sunday 5 January 2020
Linda. Karen, Neale, Jim, Harry, David, Ted and two new volunteers – Jennifer Flippance and Polly O’Connor
Ted started a fire at 9.10am and by the time the others arrived around 10.20am last week’s pile of cut material was on the fire. Work immediately began as we spread out and started cutting old coppice stools, removing thin spindly stems, and cutting down individual trees. Much of the cut material was cut up and taken to the fire, some was stacked in habitat piles, and the usual material for fence posts was retained. While we were waiting for the fire to die down, Harry, Neale and Jim used the new post driver to put in four new posts to replace several which had rotted. More will have to be replaced later.
Workday report for Sunday 29 December 2019
Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim, Harry, David, John, Ted.
Ted started preparing a fire at 9.15am and by the time the others arrived at 10.15am the slightly damp wood was just beginning to develop some heat. Ted and Karen gradually transferred the old pile of cut branches to the fire and near the bottom of the pile found a small branch with two specimens of Witches Butter fungi. The remainder of the group were busy cutting down spindly or thin trees some of which went on the fire while more were stacked for later use and still others were left where they fell to be cleared up next time. Weather permitting, the first workday of 2020 will be next Sunday 5 January. Come and join us for the beginning of a Happy New Year!
Photo right shows Witches Butter (black fungus) on a branch resting on a small tree stump.

Workday report for Sunday 1 December 2019
Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim, Cyril, David, Harry and Finlay
Cyril walked in from the car park while Ted walked from the Courtwood Lane entrance, meeting at 9.00am at the coppice area where we got a fire started. Around 9.45am Cyril went off to help pull the tool trolleys and Ted continued transferring the great pile of material, cut last week, to the fire. When everyone had arrived Jim began his coppicing while the rest of us kept adding to the fire. David created a habitat pile over an old well-rotted log. Cyril fired up his chainsaw and cut the stumps we had left then took down a large multi-stem willow. Jim turned his attention to several stems of a chestnut and had cleared most of it with a pruning saw before Cyril cut the last trunk with the chainsaw. At one point, while clearing up loose material lying around the work area, Harry picked up a bit of tree stump and on turning it over discovered a fungus which Ted identified as Cobalt Crust. While there is still material which will have to be cut down, much of covers the remainder of the area seems to be re-growing hazel which will be left. Many of the original posts holding up the deer fence are rotting at the base and will need replacing. We certainly have enough new posts available.
Workday report for Sunday 24 November 2019 - photos by Linda Morris
Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim, David, Ted, Harry & son Finlay
Ted got to the coppice site at 9.30am and began by cutting part of a clump of Hazel and dragging it clear. When the others arrived from the car park some began cutting more scrub with pruning saws and loppers and eventually cleared down to the corner of the fence at Langford’s Way and Leafy Grove. Others cut up the spoil, separating material for burning from potential plant stakes. Under close supervision from his dad young Finlay learned how to use a pruning saw but also continued with the use of loppers. We were pleased with the amount of work we had achieved but we would be happy to see more volunteers next Sunday 1st December if the weather is suitable.
Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim, David, Ted & new pair Harry Creer & 8yr old son Finlay
Ted walked up to the coppice site and gathered dead bramble stems and hanging dead wood then cut up some of the material left from last time. By the time the others arrived from the car park a fire had been started. Neale added some lumps of wood and we soon had a fire which accepted whatever we added. The main activity involved burning the unwanted material but we were also interested in retaining material which would be suitable as stakes for when we replant later after clearing the coppice. Young Finlay seemed to enjoy using loppers to trim off side twigs from the stakes and drew our attention when he picked up a vole he had spotted amongst the leaves. When held in his gloved hand it settled down to preen its fur. It was released safely out of the work area. Jim cut down a group of tree stems, providing more material for stakes and for the fire, but at a suitable time we stopped adding to the fire and concentrated on controlling the burning wood. When we were satisfied we left the site. Fungi in the area included groups of Common Funnel, Sulphur Tuft, crowded areas of Turkeytail on old tree stumps, and various small fungi on the ground.
Workday report for Sunday 27 Oct 2019
Linda, Karen, Neale, Cyril, David, Ted.
While walking up Langford’s Way to reach the coppice area I saw Candlesnuff, Turkeytail, Sulphur Tuft, Buttercap and several other fungi species.
We cleared an area of bramble and other low vegetation then Cyril began working with his chainsaw just inside and parallel to the fence. As the material was cut others removed it and stacked it for later burning or to provide stakes to support the replanting. We have already started a collection of stakes.
Next weekend, weather permitting, we will burn the unwanted material. We would welcome extra help for a couple of hours.
David walked in through Avis Grove clearing long bramble stems before entering Great Field then finding the rest of the group in Linden Glade. Neale, Jim and Karen remained in the glade to examine the edges of the pool while Linda, Joanne and Ted walked along West Gorse to the Farleigh Border path. A fallen tree by the edge of the path might have been trimmed by John Zareba but Linda decided one branch was projecting too far into the path and spent a few minutes cutting it back. In Middle Gorse we trimmed bramble and also and also a hawthorn which had crashed through a holly. In The grassy area we found a group of small whitish mushrooms with brown gills (?sp). Entering the other end of West Gorse we continued trimming bramble before reaching Linden Glade again where David had joined the group. A very sandy area near the cairn had been cleared to reveal the edge but without entirely determining the future for the pool. Karen pointed out a group of very small mushrooms growing by the edge of the pool which were identified as Collared Parachutes. A very noisy Green Woodpecker flew over and landed on a dead tree then disappeared. After clearing the excavated material in the pool we walked back to the car park.
Workday report Sunday 7 July 2019 photos by Ted Forsyth & Linda Morris
David, Karen & Neale, Linda, Jim, Ted.
David walked in from home, trimming overgrown brambles on paths. After checking a problem in the ladies’ loo the rest of us set off towards Farleigh Border and on the way up Greenhill Way, near the top on the right, we found a smallish tree covered in Oyster mushrooms - see photo 1. Along the route and throughout the time we were there we tried to trim back any long strands of bramble threatening to grow across to the other side of the paths. We eventually found the fallen Ash tree on Farleigh Border and dealt with that - see photos 2 & 3 - then continued along West Gorse. Small dead trunks were cut down and low-lying overhanging branches were cut back. An obviously broken branch was dragged down and cut up before we exited to David’s Crook and carried on to the car park. There we found that a Wren appears to have taken up residence in the bat box sited above the store room door - see photos 4 & 5.
Workday report for Sunday 2 June 2019
Karen & Neale, Linda, Carol, Jim, Ted, David.
David concentrated on cutting bramble stems across paths.
The rest of the team visited the coppice area to find that some of the missing rolls of deer fence netting had been used to make repairs to some of the fallen fence. The opportunity was taken to give water to the Elm and Wild Service in that area. We then erected a fallen name board for Stevens Walk and cleared intrusive growth on nearby trees. Next stop was Bluebell Grove to attempt to remove stains from the recent memorial seat. Most of the group replaced the name board in East Gorse near the Baker Boy gate while Ted watered the Wild Service in Middle Gorse. The route continued along Farleigh Border to water the Wild Service and to David’s Crook to do the same there, before returning to the car park.
Extra Workday Thursday 30th May 2019 - Installing 2 new seats - report from David Malins photos below by John Zareba
Jim and John Z have, as usual, done most of the work installing 2 new seats. This was with the help of David Marden and his tractor from Elm Farm.
I made a mistake in laying them down on their fronts in the car park area, to avoid the danger of bending their metal back struts. The result is that the front of the seats are caked with mud - see below left. Jim will brush this off when he fits the plaques.
The photo below right shows the new seat in Bluebell Grove.

Extra workday Sunday 12 May 2019 - photos below by Ted Forsyth
Neale & Karen, Jim, Cyril, David, Ted.
With his rebuilt seat on a trailer Jim drove up Smith Grove to Bluebell Grove. An area was cleared and holes were dug to take the extended legs of the seat. Once the seat was in position we moved along Bluebell Grove to the junction with The Wend where we had previously created holes for a memorial seat. An awkward and damaged tree trunk was removed so that it would not interfere once the seat was later put into position. With that job done we moved on to the junction between Broad Walk and Addington Border to replace the fallen Vanguard Way guide post. Neale began by hammering in a Metpost then completed the job by inserting the wooden guide post and locking it into position. Having begun our work just after 10.00am it was now 12 noon but, having worked up a head of steam, the party decided to tackle the remaining task of digging two holes in Courtwood Grove for another memorial seat. David had prepared two shallow holes to indicate the place for the seat so the eager volunteers began digging to create the correct depth. Optimism began to wane a little when we realised that the potential holes were full of large flints. Luckily we had brought or post-hole diggers in the form of a heavy metal bar to smash the flints and a giant pair of “sugar tongs” to help in scooping out rubble and soil. By the time the measurements were satisfactory it was 2.30pm so we packed up and went our separate ways, some walking home and the others taking the trolley and tools back to the toolstore.
Workday Report 5 May 2019 - photos below by Ted Forsyth & Linda Morris
Linda, Karen & Neale, Jim, Geoff, David, Ted.
Most of us dragged the trolley of tools up to Bluebell Grove where we met David who had walked in from the other end of the wood and had begun work on preparing holes for a memorial seat. While most of the team worked on enlarging the holes, Linda and I took several water-filled plastic bottles and watered the five Elm and two Wild Service we had planted in the coppice area. We returned to the diggers to find they were struggling with tree roots. As it was going to take time I took the opportunity to grab the remaining water bottles and proceeded to the Wild Service in Middle Gorse, Farleigh Border and David’s Crook where I gave them a gook soaking. As we had been told that half a name board had fallen from a tree somewhere in The Gorses I paid particular attention to the boards at the ends of the various paths and found three East Gorse, three West Gorse and one Middle Gorse, all in good condition. Back in Bluebell Grove the team were packing up, rather than start the work on another seat elsewhere in the wood, so we returned to The Gorses where the damaged name board was eventually found hallway along East Gorse by the Baker Boy Lane entrance. The half board on the tree was retrieved. While the others took the trolley back to the car park I walked home in the opposite direction. In The Wend there were many singing Blackcaps and a few Chiffchaffs but there was also a Garden Warbler pouring out its bubbling notes. Perhaps yesterday’s weather had caused several migrating birds to drop in for the night.
Unscheduled Workday Sunday 14 April 2019 & follow up on 18/4/19
Having checked the remaining whips in my garden I found there were 25 and not the 34 I was expecting. Presumably we were supplied with 40 Hazel instead of 50. I got to the coppice at 9.15am and planted five Hazel. David arrived and we continued planting until all the whips were in the ground. When we were down to the last three tubes there were no prepared stakes left so we had to cut three from some of the thinner posts we had left for the deer fence. The last three whips were planted without tubes for protection. That leaves three Wild Service, which I had not taken with me, to be planted somewhere – I have retained three stakes and three tubes for that purpose.
18/4/19 - I set off this morning with two Wild Service to plant. She came with me to the coppice to collect two tubes and two stakes then carried them for me to Middle Gorse. Heather went on her way and I planted one whip as shown in the photo left below taken from inside The Gorses. I carried on along Farleigh Border path to the fallen Oak logs and planted the second whip which is shown in the next picture. One more whip to go but I have not finalised any decision yet as to where it might be possible to put it so that in future years its flowers and fruit will make a good show.
20/4/19 - The last Wild Service has been planted in David's Crook on the same edge where the White Poplar is but further down towards the old Wild Cherry. It was well watered in.

Workday report for Sunday 7 April 2019 - photos by Linda Morris
Present: Karen/Neale Fox, Carol Inge, Linda Morris, David Malins, Jim Dunning, Ted Forsyth.
As usual a fire was started and very quickly a steady stream of material was finding its way from the two large piles of material we had left last time. Once the full group of volunteers had arrived loose twigs were raked up, fallen branches were cut into pieces and some coppice stools were cut. Much of the material went on to the fire but a large amount was used to build a dead hedge (habitat pile) over an old rotting fallen tree. The clearance we achieved should allow us to start planting tree whips.
Unfortunately, after we left vandals smashed down part of the plastic mesh deer fence for which we were only able to make a temporary repair. More work will have to be done later.
Supplementary Sessions 10/4/19 - Linda had offered to join me in planting some of the tree whips in the coppice area so we met at 10.00am and began by planting a row of FIVE disease-resistant Elm to the left of the entrance through the deer fence. We then took the TWO Wild Service I had brought and planted them close to the non-existent deer fence at the beginning of Leafy Grove where they should be a nice sight in years to come – they seem to grow quite quickly. That left SEVEN Hazel which we spread out to the right of the gate. I still have THREE Wild Service and a further FORTY-THREE Hazel at home to be planted when it is convenient. We ended by repairing the damaged deer fence entrance. (See the 3rd photograph in the gallery below.)
12/4/19 - Linda joined me again today and we planted another nine whips in one hour. I will return on Sunday morning, without Linda, hoping to plant a few more.

Workday report for Sunday 31 March 2019 - photo by Ted Forsyth
Ted got a fire started early. When others arrived Neale cut some coppice stools while Karen and Ted removed the cut material and John and David collected other material. More than 50% of Cyril’s pile was added to the fire. Later we allowed the fire to die down while we made a pile of any cut material we collected. There will be plenty of material for next weekend. As seems usual at the moment a Tawny Owl called while we were working and called again as we were leaving, possibly disturbed by a group of noisy Jays.

Workday report for Sunday 24 March 2019
Ted, John, David, Jim, Cyril, Neale, Karen.
Ted walked up to the coppice and got a fire started. While working various birds were heard – Tawny Owl, Stock Dove, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Bullfinches.
John and David appeared and helped to feed the fire which was well alight when the others arrived. Cyril and Jim went off to deal with several fallen trees. Neale cut several coppice stools but found the cut material was making it difficult to move around so we had to spend most of our time concentrating on lifting it and feeding the fire.
When Cyril and Jim returned they created a large pile to which they added the stems of a willow as it was cut. Cyril then cut the pile into smaller pieces ready for next workday. Neale tidied up many of the coppice stumps. There is still much material to be lifted and many coppice stools to be cut before we can consider planting the tree whips.
A Buzzard was heard and both Peacock and Brimstone butterflies were seen in the warm sunny conditions.
Karen/Neale, Linda, David, John Z, Jim, Cyril, Geoff, Ted.
I walked up to the coppice site at 9.10am, hearing a Tawny Owl call from Courtwood Grove and a singing Stock Dove in Stevens Walk near the coppice. By collecting old bramble stems and hanging dead wood attached to trees I was able to get a fire going so that when the others arrived it was hot enough to start throwing on any material intended to be burned. Ted, Jim, Karen and David cut more coppice while others selected material and fed the fire. Ted and Jim then worked together on several coppice stools, each of which had about 30 stems. Some of the newly cut material was dragged to the fire as was much of the older material though there is still a lot left. The chainsaws were used to finish off one of the coppice stools and to trim several collections of stumps.
Workday report Sunday 3 February 2019 photos by John Zareba & Linda Morris
Karen & Neale, Linda, David, Jim, Cyril, John, Ted.
A fire was started and as soon as it was well alight material was added frequently from the enormous pile which Cyril’s chainsaw had cut into smaller pieces, but in the time available we could deal with only a small part of the cut material. Jim cut a forest of coppice stools while Ted worked through to the far fence cutting stools on the way. The new electric chainsaw was given an impressive workout – its new cutting chain proving to be sharp and able to cope with the tests it was given. While the amount of previously cut material has been reduced, the extra cutting that was done has simply added to the material waiting for our next visit. A Green Woodpecker called frequently during the time we were working.
Linda, Karen, Neale, Jim, David, Richard, Ted
We decided to concentrate on coppicing and spread out to tackle individual old coppice stools, mostly leaving the cut material close to where it fell. Some material was transferred to the existing large pile but selection of useful material for charcoal making, tree stakes, fence posts, etc was left to another time. Before packing up David and Ted searched for and found the first Tawny owl box we erected. It had broken free of the metal band meant to hold it in place. We will attempt to recover it and possibly re-erect it. On the way back to the car park we picked up the badly damaged bench which was going to be destroyed but which it had been decided would make an interesting repair project.

Workday report for Sunday 6 January 2019
Karen & Neale, Linda, Ted.
We initially tried to start a fire but it was taking too long so we gave up and concentrated on coppicing. We cut down at least six old coppice stands and also several separate small trees. Larger material was retained for possible charcoal making and for deer fence posts but most of the other material was added to piles for later disposal.
Karen & Neale, Linda, Jim, Cyril and Ted.
On the previous workday we left the coppice area covered in many piles of branches and thin tree trunks as a result of our coppicing. This week the main target was to remove this material. Very quickly a fire was started and we were soon piling on material as quickly as we could collect it. Cyril cut some of the longer pieces into shorter lengths and also coppiced some of the older stools. Jim replaced several of the deer fence posts which had rotted at the base and we put aside several other posts for later use.
Small posts were set up to create a cutting frame which was then loaded with long pieces of material. Cyril then cut these into smaller pieces ready for next time.
In the previous week, two whips (Silver Birch & Field Maple), donated by Lorraine Gaughan, were planted in the Jubilee Plantation. She had received the whips as part of a London-wide Plant a Tree initiative.
Workday report for Sunday 25 November 2018 - photos below by Linda Morris
Volunteers included the usual suspects: Karen & Neale, Linda, Jim, Cyril, Ted, plus new volunteer Mary Wingrove.
Once a longer bolt had been put on to the repaired trolley the party split up. While Jim and Cyril went off to deal with two fallen trees the remainder of the party began trimming the bushes at the edge of the car park and also removed some of the grass, mud and fallen leaves. The main task was elsewhere so we dragged the second trolley up to Great Field where we stopped briefly to examine the old bench and decided it might be repairable rather than be destroyed. We carried on to the coppice area, from where we could hear the buzzing of Cyril’s chainsaw in Beech Grove, and began the process of trying to clear growth near the deer fence, and also started coppicing some of the smaller coppice stools. When Cyril and Jim joined us we were able to include work on older coppice stools and soon had large piles of small and large branches building up. Apart from retaining stakes to hold up a deer fence we will probably dispose of the piles by burning at a later date if weather is suitable.
During the morning we found several fungi. A small dark mushroom was probably a Tricholoma species. A badly damaged large mushroom, thought to be a Parasol, was growing near the coppice entrance, and in the coppice area there were many twigs sporting tiers of (Collared?) Parachutes, a stump had a couple of clumps of Inkcaps while Turkeytail appeared elsewhere, finally a fallen branch was covered in a display of Split Porecrust.
On the way back to the car park we stopped at the old bench where Neale and Jim had a discussion about a possible repair. As I stood by the trolleys I heard a Carrion Crow mobbing something and on looking over the treetops I could see a Sparrowhawk being pursued.
Workday report for Sunday 4 November 2018 - photos below by Ted Forsyth & Linda Morris
Karen, Neale, Linda, Jim, Cliff, Toby, Ted
We began by walking up field 3 to photograph the Spindle bush then walked along Langford’s Way towards Leafy Grove, passing a Tawny Funnel fungus on the way. In Leafy Grove we erected the new bat box before entering Stevens Walk to find an entrance into the old coppice area. While it was necessary to tackle bramble to get a route into the centre most of the work concentrated on coppicing near the entrance. The cut material produced posts for a deer fence, bean poles, etc. Excess material was piled up for use in strengthening the dead hedge. Further into the centre there was a large fallen moss-covered tree trunk on which there were several fungi.
In the showery conditions we decided to concentrate on re-organising the toolstore. The old bat box was cleaned out and re-erected above the door. Wood supplied by Neale was broken up for kindling and stored in a large plastic box. Several other plastic boxes were utilised to store various related items. Screws were attached to a wall to support bowsaws, spades, post-hole digger, rake, hoe, gaining some floor space. After some further rearrangement there was now plenty of empty floor space to take the two trolleys. Over the next few days an attempt will be made to plant the five donated tree whips.
(Ted planted the whips (2 Rowan, 2 Birch and 1 Hazel) in the Jubilee on Monday 29th. These were donated by Claire Butcher who received 5 complimentary saplings from the Woodland Trust as part of the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy initiative. She contacted us to ask if we would like them for Selsdon Wood,)
Workday Report for Sunday 7 October 2018
Neale & Karen Fox, Jim Dunning and Ted Forsyth began work outside the museum, re-assembling the damaged trolley which Jim had repaired. (He had also sharpened loppers and shears). Neale & Jim then improved the safety of the flushing action in the Ladies toilet. By the time this work was done it was obvious that no others would be joining us so we set off to Stevens Walk. On the way I pointed out Dogwood bearing both spring flowers and autumn berries.
We spent some time with Neale and Jim cleaning out the manhole and fitting a blank end on a pipe. I found and photographed yesterday’s Parasol mushroom then we entered The Wend to deal with a thin decaying Birch tree which was leaning well over the path. Once this was removed we discovered several more that we decided should be removed – most were very thin straggly trees and again most were decaying and would have fallen at some stage.
We followed The Wend, Leafy Grove & West Gorse to Linden Glade where we examined the pool which had been partially filled by the overnight rain. Neale did his best to scrape out much of the silt to get a better look at possible cracks and it was agreed that the way forward was probably a repair involving fibre glass – something to be considered later.
There was no point in trying to remove wet vegetation in Middle Gorse, which had been one of the intended tasks, and placing of the new bat box was left to another day.
Workday report for Sunday 30 Sept 2018
Only Neale & Karen Fox, Jim Dunning, John Zareba and Ted Forsyth were present. We began by dismantling the damaged trolley so that Jim could take the broken part away to repair it then walked along Vale Border to get to Broad Walk where a path sign had fallen. Neale, Jim and John were left to deal with the sign while Karen and Ted followed another path to get to the entrance to Avis Grove where a branch was hanging low over the path. On the way we examined old Sweet Chestnut husks for a fungus which I had seen for the first time yesterday. We had no success so we carried on to Avis Grove and began work on the large branch. The others came to join us just as we were finishing then we continued along towards the path, cutting down four decaying trees which were over the path. We also put up a Langford's Way sign. We took a route along Bluebell Grove and while the others began work on a fallen tree Karen and I started searching for the fungus. I found one and prepared to get a photo then Karen found a better one (see photo below left) which I later carried to Pool Grove as that was our next target. There we found clumps of Honey Fungus and newly emerging Shaggy Scalycaps (see photo below right), before dealing with the last of our fallen path signs and another fallen small tree.
Workday report for Sunday 5 August 2018 - by Neale Fox photo by Linda Morris
Present: Karen & Neale Fox, Linda Morris.
As expected only Linda turned up today (Ted was unwell). Karen and I did bring the metal detector and had another go at pipe tracing. However with my limited knowledge we traced from the old fountain and I think the pipe exits to the left at 45 degrees out straight through the blackthorn into David’s Crook. I tried digging at one area but hit concrete and the ground it fairly solid anyway. I gave up after Linda left us around 11am. Karen and looked at the pool in Linden Glade and it seems the perfect time to clear it out again for inspection of the base.
Workday report for Sunday 3 June 2018 - photos by Ted Forsyth, Neale Fox and Malcolm Jennings
Present: Toby & Cliff Dalton, Karen & Neale Fox, Jim Dunning, Cyril Watmore, Ted Forsyth.
The whole group walked along Vale Border removing obtrusive branches along the way. After field 3 we entered Avis Grove and continued to meet Courtwood Grove then exited at the top of the Cascades. At the bottom of the bridleway we re-entered the wood and dragged our trolley up to the large Yew where we found the Herb Paris clump. With Cyril’s chainsaw and several pruning saws we cleared Yew, Hazel and some Sycamore which were tending to shade the plants. While we were finishing, Malcolm Jennings came with his camera to take a photograph of the sun-lit Herb Paris in its new more open area. A Chicken of the Woods bracket fungus was photographed on the large Yew. In the fields we saw several Common Blue butterflies and on the way back through the woods we saw a Speckled Wood butterfly.
Workday report for Sun 6 May 2018 - photos from Ted Forsyth (TF) and Linda Morris (LM)
Attendees: Cliff & Toby Dalton, Karen & Neale Fox, Linda Morris, Jim Dunning, Ted Forsyth.
While Ted removed several small Ash saplings just inside the Jubilee Plantation gate, the others moved up to Great Field where Neale & Jim repaired the Centenary Plantation name board and the remainder of the team topped up soil around the legs on one of the new seats. The whole group then added soil around the legs on three more seats around Stevens Larch before crossing Great Field to see the large number of Dryad’s Saddle fungi which had returned to the tree stump in Stevens Walk. The last seat, in David’s Crook, was soiled up then we carried on to Linden Glade. Here we found a Ramsons (Wild Garlic) seedling had appeared, growing from a seed dropped from Neale’s pocket last year. Cliff, Toby and Ted went on to investigate the fallen Hazel in Farleigh Border (and found someone had broken it off and laid it by the side of the path) while the others restored the fallen Farleigh Border name board. The whole group came together again on the Farleigh Border path beside the very large Oak which had been cut into pieces by Croydon Council workers. As they were blocking the path we managed to improve matters somewhat by rolling four of them to the side of the path before returning to the car park. During our work we heard at least six Blackcaps and listened to a very vocal Song Thrush in David’s Crook. On Farleigh Border there were many Yellow Archangel flowers and one or two clumps of Greater Stitchwort. Brimstone, Holly Blue and Speckled Wood butterflies were seen.
Workday report for Sunday 25 March 2018
Present: Cliff, Toby, Jared, Karen, Neale, Jim, Cyril, Ted
Neale and Jim replaced two path name boards which had fallen, then checked and remounted several others. The rest of the group returned to the junction of West Gorse and Farleigh border and began burning what we hope is the last of the Holly which we had cut weeks ago. Cyril re-coppiced several Hazels which were showing signs of decay. Some of the material was added to the fire but the larger pieces were used to make a number of habitat piles. Green Woodpecker, Stock Dove, Wren and Ring-necked Parakeet serenaded us as we worked.
The Workday scheduled for Sunday March 4th was cancelled due to bad weather.
Workday report for Sunday 25 Feb 2018 - photos below from Linda Morris and Neale Fox
Linda, Karen, Neale, Lewis, Jim, Cyril, Ted.
On a day when it was warmer than expected we managed to burn much of the cut Holly which remained. Some of the long Holly trunks were cut and stacked as a habitat pile. As we crossed David's Crook on the way back to the car park we saw two Buzzards flying over Greenhill Way. (The fungus seen on the workday and shown in the photo below is probably a variant of Split Porecrust -Schizopora paradoxa.)

Workday report for Sunday 4 February 2018 - photo below from Neale Fox
The group consisted of Toby, Cliff, Karen, Neale and Ted and we returned to Farleigh Border to continue the task of clearing away the cut Holly. We had trouble persuading the fire to start and when Toby and Cliff left at 12 noon we had pile of material which we thought would have to be left until next time. By 12.18pm the fire had come to life and by 12.48pm all the material was on the fire. By pulling out material from the edge and returning it to the centre it was soon reduced to ashes and we were able to leave.

With holes to be dug and fallen trees to be removed we split our team into two.
Linda, Jim and Cyril went to the Langford's Way/Leafy Grove junction and cleared as much as they could of the three fallen trees.
Karen, Neale, David and Ted went to David's Crook and dug two holes ready for the seat to be placed where the old shelter used to be. When the holes were dug and protected by branches we continued to meet the others returning along Leafy Grove.
The whole team then entered East Gorse and spent the remaining time removing the fallen Birch which was hanging over the path.
As several of our usual participants were missing this week we had decided to concentrate on the holes and trees and to leave consideration of the Holly to another day.
Workday report for Sunday 7 January 2018 - photos below from Neale Fox
Workers: Lewis Goode. Jared Cruikshank, Toby & Cliff Dalton, Richard Lock, Karen & Neale Fox, Jim Dunning, Cyril Watmore, Linda Morris, Michael Byrne, Ted Forsyth.
For the first workday of 2018 the above list of participants gathered in the Farleigh Border path to continue burning the Holly brash left from before Christmas. The first three names on the list are at different stages of working towards Duke of Edinburgh awards.
While some of the party went to examine the large fallen Oak and to try to count the rings, I went with Jim to Middle Gorse to look for the reported hanging branch but found that someone had dealt with it. We continued into East Gorse and cut down the fallen Hazel branch and removed a dead branch before returning to the fire group. Without being able to count all the rings on the Oak a count of 43 rings across about a third of a radius seemed to confirm Heather’s estimate of around 120 years of age for the tree.
We dragged Holly to the old fire site and got on with the process of burning. While I was dragging material from West Gorse I heard an enormous crash when a large Birch snapped off halfway up and fell to the ground nearby, luckily within the woodland. At one point a bird of prey flew over, probably a Sparrowhawk.

Workday report for Sunday 3 December 2017 - photos below from Linda Morris and Neale Fox
Karen, Neale, Linda, Jim, Cyril, Ted and Lewis began in Farleigh Border by clearing a space for a fire, and collecting dead hanging branches from the woodland. Once the fire was started we began adding the cut Holly material from the nearby pile. Meanwhile Cyril fired up his chainsaw and cut down the Holly stumps which had been left last time. Cliff and Toby arrived to join in the activity. Neale and Ted agreed a possible site for the Tawny Owl nest box and later Neale and Jim put it into position. They also added woodchips to the Tawny box and the Little Owl box. Most of the Holly pile was transferred to the fire but there are still other piles which will be dealt with on another occasion.
Workday report for Sunday 26 November 2017 - photos below from Ted Forsyth, Linda Morris and Neale Fox
Karen, Neale, Linda, Ted, Richard, Lewis, Cliff, Toby and Jared continued removing Holly trees in Farleigh Border. We hope to have a fire on another occasion to burn the enormous amount of material we have cut.
While walking up from the car park Neale picked up a small branch on which there was a small clump of Yellow Brain fungus.
Workday activity Sunday 5 November 2017 - photos below from Neale Fox and Linda Morris
Karen, Linda, Cliff, Toby and Richard continued removing Holly and Bramble at the junction between West Gorse and Farleigh Border, while I took Jim and Neale towards the far end of Farleigh Border where we hoped to erect a nest box for a Little Owl. With some judicious pruning it was found that the box could rest on a branch between two trunks and, with some additional support, it was firmly held in position. With that task done we joined the Holly group for more removal of Holly bushes. Neale also took the opportunity to make a repair to a Tit box which had been attacked by a Great Spotted Woodpecker.
On a Hazel trunk a large piece of Leafy Brain fungus was found along with a good collection of old unknown bracket fungi.
Workday activity Sunday 29 October2017
Jim and Neale used an angle grinder to remove the redundant supports for an old sign in David’s Crook then replaced the fallen plaque commemorating the planting of Oaks in that area.
Karen and Ted were joined by Toby and his dad Cliff. Toby is working towards a Duke of Edinburgh Award. We took our trolley of tools to West Gorse where we cut up part of an Ash tree which had fallen across the path. We then concentrated on removing some of the many Holly trees in West Gorse and were soon joined by Neale and Jim. Jim also removed some branches of a large Holly which were obscuring the Farleigh Border sign.
At least five Yellow Fieldcap mushrooms were seen in David’s Crook and in West Gorse an old fallen branch was covered in Split Porecrust.
Workday activity Sunday 24 Sept 2017 - photos below from Ted Forsyth
Neale, Karen, Ted, Jim, Les, Lewis and Richard gathered to tackle the over-growth of Sycamore, Ash, Bramble, bracken and nettles in Middle Gorse. On the way there we were able to see Green Elfcup fungi and Dead Moll’s Fingers which had been found on Saturday. During our work Lewis managed to find several specimens of a new species – Ivory Coral - growing under a dense cover of vegetation and elsewhere we added Sulphur Tuft and Candlesnuff fungi. While we were working in pleasant sunny conditions there were surprising numbers of Comma butterflies settling on the vegetation. A Brimstone and a Speckled Wood were also seen. After several hours of successful work three of the group left then Jim and Neale went off to clear a fallen tree in Baker Boy Lane while Karen and Ted cleared Ash, Sycamore and wild Clematis along the edge of the Middle Gorse path. On Neale and Jim’s return we packed up and returned to the car park.
Workday activity Sunday 3 Sept 2017 - photos below from Ted Forsyth
Karen, Neale and Ted were the only volunteers to arrive for the workday. Neale decided to pre-drill the backing plates for the name boards we had to re-fix, then we set out for Vincent Avenue to install the first board. Having walked through Gt Field we stopped at the entrance to Langford’s Way where we removed an overhanging branch. We made a brief diversion into Leafy Grove to see the Orange Peel fungus before returning to Courtwood Grove where we had one board to erect at the Junction with Addington Border and another near Avis Grove. Our return route took us to Beech Grove where time was spent clearing some of two very large Oak branches which were partially blocking the track. In Noakes’ Way a low overhanging branch was removed. In Linden Glade we examined the cracks in the base of the pond and just before leaving Pool Grove to enter David’s Crook we removed our last overhanging branches. Unfortunately, back at the car park we realised that our most powerful loppers had been lost at some stage and a search revealed nothing.
A Stock Dove was singing in Leafy Grove and in Courtwood Grove a Tawny Owl called. At the top of Noakes’ Way a group of more than a dozen Amethyst Deceiver fungi were found and also a damaged Suede Bolete and Yellow Stagshorn.
Workday activity Sunday 6 Aug 2017 - photos below from Neale Fox
A select group of Karen and Neale Fox, Jim Dunning, Lewis Goode and Ted Forsyth (later joined by Linda Morris) decided that putting up some of the missing path name boards was to be the main activity. We began by walking up to Linden Glade where we stopped to put up a West Gorse board. Continuing along West Gorse, where we noticed the Yellow Stagshorn was returning to the conifer stump, we paused at the junction of The Wend and Leafy Grove to put up another West Gorse board and further on a Leafy Grove Board. All round the tree on which the West Gorse board was placed there were many fungi and this was repeated all along Leafy Grove on both sides of the track, including Small Stagshorn, various Boletes, Russulas, Peziza cups, Puffballs, etc. Presumably the winter removal of many trackside trees had allowed the soil to warm up and the mass eruption of fungi was the result. Another Leafy Grove board and a Bluebell Grove one were erected at the junction of the two tracks. Walking along Bluebell Grove brought us to another tree on which was placed a Bluebell Grove board. In this area we also cut down a holly and a Sycamore. Walking up Smith Grove brought us to Linden Glade where Crested Coral fungi are returning. At the junction with Farleigh Border an appropriate board was erected on a holly after some judicious pruning. Linda and Karen started cutting a hazel which was hanging low over West Gorse and were eventually joined by the others. That track is now much lighter. Farleigh Border brought us to Broom Path where more overhanging hazels were cut. At the junction with Greenhill Way a similarly named board was erected. We still have some boards to erecet at the Courtwood Grove end of the wood.

Workday Activity Sunday 2 July 2017
David and Gemma worked along Vale Border cutting overhanging branches and removing vegetation around seats and benches then moved up the north side of Field 3 doing the same. They then followed various paths through the wood, trimming long strands of bramble, before returning to the car park. They saw a Silver-washed Fritillary in Leafy Grove near Noakes Way where the butterfly seems to like the new open aspect. Another SWFritillary was seen in Greenhill Way, and two Speckled Wood butterflies.
Jim, Les and Ted went to the tree belt between Fields 2 and 3 and dug up a small Laurel bush. Laurel is poisonous and useless for wildlife other than sheltering pheasants. Taking the bush with us with went through Smith Grove, trimming bramble as we went, to Linden Glade where a Silver-washed Fritillary put in an appearance. In Middle Gorse we again trimmed bramble and dug up a second Laurel. Both bushes were placed on top of an existing dead hedge so that they should not regrow. We then followed East Gorse, repeating the bramble trimming, Returning through Leafy Grove and The Wend to get back to the car park.
I had to walk back through the wood to get home and saw one SWFritillary just as I entered David’s Crook, two Speckled Woods in Pool Grove, and another SWFritillary in Linden Glade. It is difficult to estimate how many different butterflies were involved.