Vertebrate Sightings 2024 (excluding Birds)
First Photo of Each Species in chronological order

Spotted so far this year - a couple of deer, a fox (sadly dead), a shrew (also dead), frogspawn and later tadpoles in the Jubilee pond and an adult frog, a lizard, bank voles and 4 species of bats (not photographed) Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle, Serotine & Leisler.

On 11th October a Weasel was spotted (sadly not photographed) by Rosalyn Heaton. This is the first sighting since that in May 2022 by Ruth Budd. Sadly, neither managed to catch a photo so a Weasel is not in the gallery below or our Vertebrates gallery but both sightings are recorded in the full list below.
Vertebrates Full List 11:10:24.pdf Vertebrates Full List 11:10:24.pdf
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30 March 2024 - Ruth and I did an impromptu walk around bat survey this evening starting at Pool Grove, along Smith Grove and into Great Field. Despite the brevity of the walk about we still confirmed four species actively hunting:
Common Pipistrelle
Soprano Pipistrelle
Not bad for a short 'look see' and great that the bigger bats are out (Serotine and Leisler) as that indicates that the Selsdon 2024 bat season is properly underway...🦇🦇🦇
Vertebrate Sightings 2023 (excluding Birds)
Evidence of 13 species spotted this year - including five bats detected. 
A Common Pipistrelle and a Leisler were recorded on 17th March. 
A Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle, Natterer and Brown Long Eared were detected on 9th April.
- see the Full List above.
Vertebrate Sightings 2022 (excluding Birds)
The Trail Cam on 10/2/22 recorded videos of the fox and badger and also of a rat which was too small to cut a still image.
A video of the Brown Long-eared Bat is available at 
On 8/5/22 Ruth & Steve saw a Weasel at the junction of Middle Gorse and West Gorse.
The photograph of a Common Frog by Louise Hunt on 21/9/22 is the best photo of a frog ever taken in our wood.